Thursday, May 31, 2012

Too Long Since I Last Posted

When I started to blog I thought that I'd do it on a regular basis. After all, my life was interesting with issues and the like. I found that my life isn't so interesting, and although my issues are those that several people deal with on a daily basis, they're not necessarily what other people want to read about (in my opinion). So, of course, I got lazy and complacent and stopped writing.

I thought about this situation the other day, and thought I'd like to blog again about how life has changed over the past few years, just to get something down on "paper." I figured that dealing with life now may be a tad more interesting that I was a few years ago. After all, I'm married now and still deal with some of the same issues I have dealt with in the past. I feel like I can write something about whatever and it'll help me feel better about my life and the fact that it's not interesting all the time, but it is interesting some of the time.

My goal? To write more. To keep my thoughts on paper, but not get overly personal. Write about married life, family life, and wanting to start my own family (even with the health issues I have). Why not? That's what this stuff is for, right?